Nosh EMR

Features Shown in The Demo Of Solismed EMR


The demo of Solismed EMR is enough to understand this solution. All the features and services are skillfully explained in the demonstration tutorial. For scheduling the demo of Solismed, you have to visit its official website. Above all, there is a customized demo facility. You can avail of it by sending the snapshots of your needs, and the demo will be customized accordingly.

Given below are the best facilities we explored from the demo of Solismed.


Not only does it offer customizability, but it improves care delivery by featuring next-grade interoperability. This way, users can share data over a broad healthcare network to look into intricate and unique patient cases.

The interoperability service of Solismed adds value to its efficiency and efficacy in enhancing clinical scalability. Besides this community-wide data sharing, there is an exchange feature at the network level. It makes it easier to connect with members within the system via messaging.

Intuitive Dashboard:

The intuitive dashboard of Solismed EMR simplifies the day-to-day operations. It creates to-do lists to keep patients updated on essential tasks. In addition, there is a feature on the home page that notifies of new calls and messages.

Also, it has an option to view lab results, check new test orders, and details of patient encounters. In short, the dashboard of Solismed, as shown in the demo, mitigates the need for unnecessary clicks by presenting all reliable information at a centralized location.

Patient Engagement:

There are many things this solution excels at, and enhancing patient engagement is one of them. First, it engages patients by granting them full accessibility to medical records and billing statements.

Adding to it, the software facilitates communication with patients. The fact that patients feel they are given control over their treatment and have the right to give suggestions engages them into the care facilities. 

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